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Price of fitting kitchen Formahome in Ireland and other installation details

Formahome kitchen installer

Installation is included in kitchen price, which is calculated in online kitchen planner. Formahome company pays great attention to creating a team of professional installers. Our installers have over 10 years experience in the furniture industry. We always clean up after ourselves. After installing the kitchen, installers take the packaging and rubbish with them.

How to assemble a Formahome kitchen with your own hands. Top recommendations in furniture assembling for beginners  

For one reason or another, you may want to independently assemble and install your ideal kitchen from Formahome, despite the fact that our services are included in the price of the headset indicated in the kitchen planner initially and in fact are absolutely free for customers. 

Assembling kitchen furniture is a responsible and by no means simple task. You can make fatal mistakes that ruin everything. 

We vouch for our assemblers, but if you are used to living by the principle “if you want to do something well, do it yourself”, we will teach you everything. 

After reading the article, you will definitely succeed in assembling a kitchen with your own hands. Yes, it may take more time and effort, but we believe in you. 

Where to begin 

The theater starts with a hanger, and the assembly of the kitchen begins with the preparation of tools. 

So, to assemble the lower and upper cabinets, as well as canisters and drawers, you will need: 

  • Screwdriver
  • Bits set 
  • Hammer 
  • Crosshead screwdriver 
  • Drill 
  • Roulette 
  • Pencil 
  • The actual details of the product 
  • Drawings 

Each product has its own drawing and our installers are convinced that even a person without specialized skills or special education can easily understand them. 

Assembling the bottom bedside table with Formahome 

You should start assembling the kitchen from the simplest – put in front of you the parts necessary for the first product that you decide to assemble. We have a lower pedestal with one opening facade. 

Typically, such a cabinet consists of: 

  • 2 top drawstrings 
  • 2 sidewalls 
  • Bottom 
  • 2 sidewalls 
  • Facade (front door) 
  • Shelves 
  • Back wall 

To assemble such a cabinet, you need to take each of these parts and insert the appropriate fittings into the corresponding product. In kitchens, minifix, dowel, conformat and shelf support are used for this. 

The next step will be legs and loops or handles, depending on how your facade will open. 

When the appropriate fittings are installed, you can proceed with the actual assembly. 

Always start from the side wall. The bottom, the upper sides are attached to it, the minifix or conformation is tightened. Next, attach the second side wall and tighten the fittings. Then it is necessary to turn the cabinet upside down with the back wall up and apply fiberboard (the thinnest part). 

Particular attention should be paid to checking the diagonals of the product, and only after that the back wall can be nailed with staples or screwed on with screws. 

After that, we fasten the screws to the bottom of the legs according to the markings. 

The last step is to wind the hinges on the door, with which it will attach to the cabinet. In which direction the door should open, we fasten it to that side. You can find out from the drawing. 

Our assemblers assure that the very first cabinet in your life can be assembled in 20 – 30 minutes at most, if you follow the assembly instructions exactly. 

The result is an assembled lower pedestal, ready for further installation. 

The next step is the top cabinet 

It is unlikely that it will be possible to assemble a kitchen only from the lower cabinets, so you should figure out how to properly assemble the upper cabinets. 

The key difference here will be the absence of legs, as well as the fact that the back walls are not overhead like the lower cabinets, but are inserted inside the product. 

We start from the side wall, attach the bottom, the roof, tighten the fittings, then insert the back wall into the groove and only then insert the second side wall. If the shelves are not rigidly fixed, then they are inserted most often with the help of shelf holders after installation. 

Everything else is no different from the assembly of the lower cabinet. It will take about the same amount of time. 

The nuances of assembling canisters 

Most often, even the assembly of a corner kitchen is not limited only to the lower and upper cabinets, you will still have to assemble one or even several pencil cases. 

If you have not yet changed your mind about assembling yourself, then it's time to move on to this point. 

The main thing is to take into account the height of the pencil case. After all, if the kitchen is under the ceiling, when assembling “lying”, you simply cannot then lift the cabinet. When lifting a product, it is important to take into account the diagonal of the module. That is, before assembling it is necessary to check whether the pencil case will pass diagonally. 

If the cabinet needs to be installed standing up, it is important to understand that no matter how expert you are in assembling kitchen sets, you need an assistant. It will not work to assemble such an element of the kitchen yourself. 

If you assemble "lying down", then the process is no different from the assembly of the lower pedestal described above. 

If you have to assemble while standing, the sequence is the same, you just need one person to hold the side wall in the air, and the second one inserts the bottom with the legs already wound on and tightens the fittings (minifix or conformat), after which the second side wall is inserted, while the one who held side wall, now holds both. 

At the finish line, the roof must be inserted and tightened. 

Then you can safely insert shelves. We focus on the fact that for pencil cases, rafix is most often used for this purpose, since it can be inserted into an already assembled product. 

When all the cases are assembled, you can safely proceed to the installation of the kitchen. 

Installing a kitchen with your own hands is also not difficult. Information on how to install a Formahome kitchen is available on our website. 

Tips from professional furniture assemblers 

So let's open the cards: 

  • The main thing is to maintain the diagonal. Remember, if you have curved walls, you can put a flat kitchen, but you can’t put a curved kitchen in straight walls. A crooked kitchen cannot be installed anywhere at all. 
  • The most common mistake is to apply excessive force when installing fittings. Dragging a minifix or conformation can permanently damage your headset. 
  • For a non-professional, it will take about 10 hours to self-assemble a medium-sized kitchen from scratch. Whereas our assemblers spend a maximum of 5 hours on this. In fact, by assembling the first lower cabinet without outside help, you become practically a pro. 
  • Do not be afraid, it is impossible to damage the product so that nothing can be fixed. The worst thing that can happen is damage to the headset parts, but believe me, this is not at all easy and anyway, even in this case, most often the part of the product needs to be repaired. 

Assembling and installing the kitchen yourself is possible and not even difficult. Most often, men like to do something for the house with their own hands. Perhaps, assembling a kitchen over the weekend will be the best option for you to relax, so we in no way dissuade you from the decision to do everything yourself. 

If you bought a kitchen from us and refused to assemble and/or install, our specialists are always ready to help you over the phone. You will also be provided with instructions and all the necessary drawings. 

We look forward to seeing photos of kitchens assembled and installed by ourselves to be even more proud of our talented customers.

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